Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Our Mabon Wedding Anniversary (and an update on "Teddy") ...

For 'Throwback Thursday' I thought that I would share one of our old wedding anniversary posts since today (Mabon)  is actually our 21st wedding anniversary. However, we are going out to dinner this Saturday to celebrate it instead ...

On our first wedding anniversary, we stayed at a beautiful place called, "Motel in the Woods," a quaint little bed and breakfast located along the main strip heading into the village of New Hope shoppes. We thought it would be great to stay there again ...

Little "fireplace" in our room

View from our back door

Posing with the mermaid statue outside

Since, obviously, I will be away from home, I will be celebrating the sabbat of Mabon the night before we leave on Mabon eve. I have decorated my altar with the usual items ~ in honor of our deities, apples (symbolizing the Goddess) and acorns (to symbolize the God), candles, seasonal incense and oils, etc.


And, since Blogger and Google are apparently still having issues, I do not trust signing out of my main blog (Wiccan Life) just yet. So I have decided to post this update here regarding our newly rescued kitten whom we have named, "Teddy" ...

(To read the previous post regarding Teddy, I have shared the below link from my other blog, "For the Love of Cats" here):

UPDATE on Teddy: Just got back from Teddy's check-up with our vet. The Fe-leuk test came back negative, but because of his age she suggested that we have another test in a month to be safe. She said his overall health seems good. She sent him home with de-worm meds and Bravecto for good measure even though she did not see any fleas at this point.



  1. Robin Kilbury Raber said ...
    Blessed Mabon and have a good time! 😊

  2. Happy Anniversary! The bed and breakfast looks like a lovely place. OMG, Teddy, is so adorable! Glad to hear he's doing so well.

  3. Happy Mabon Anniversary! The Motel in the Woods sounds like a peaceful getaway. I like the fireplace and the mermaid statue.
    I'm so glad that things are going well for Teddy. He looks happy and content. So sweet!
