Monday, September 05, 2022

This and That


Happy Labor Day! I spent most of the holiday weekend relaxing. Yesterday I was invited to hang out with my friends Deb and Dave. We had lunch at "The Beverly Hills Tavern Beach Bar" and then later on we had dinner at the historic "The Station at the Reinholds Inn" ...

A refreshing Orange Crush ...

Relaxing and enjoying the nice breeze on the deck ...

A delicious Watermelon Martini! ...

Deb and I had the Chicken Bruschetta with Pasta ...

Deb and hubby Dave having some fun! 


Speaking of cats, PLEASE pray for my friend Rene's beloved kitty, Moose! He had to be taken to the emergency vet last night. Rene posted the following update just this morning:

"*Update*: Moose was sent home for the night so I'm relieved about that. He came home with anti nausea medicine to stop him from throwing up and a bag of saline to administer subcutaneous fluids to rehydrate him. His liver numbers were high and his bowels/intestines appeared thickened. He already had an appointment scheduled with his regular vet for Wednesday morning so fingers crossed she can figure out what's going on.
Please pray for Moose Virginia. He's really sick and had to come to the emergency vet."

Have a blessed Monday everyone.


  1. Moose is so precious - - I truly hope he will make a full recovery and be a happy cat again.
    Glad you're relaxing and enjoying the holiday weekend.

  2. Looks like you had a fantastic weekend. The watermelon martini looks so pretty! I hope Moose is doing better.

  3. My kitty had similar symptoms and was diagnosed with triaditis. It's an inflammatory bowel disease that goes into the pancreas and liver. It was quickly corrected with antibiotics, fluids and a prescription diet (only) of Purina HA. I hope Moose gets the correct diagnosis and is back to normal very soon. Keep us posted.
    That martini and your dinner looked delicious. Looks like you have some good restaurants in your area. Happy Cat Month!!
    Paranormal John
