Saturday, September 10, 2022

Weekend happenings!

Today, we attended The 46th Annual Hay Creek Festival in Geigertown, PA with my sister Aurora Skye and her hubby ...

There were a lot of fun and educational things to see ...

Tracker pull rides for the kiddies ...

This is the building where they serve breakfast and show the Victorian Christmas Tree display in December at their last annual event, "Christmas at Joanna Furnace"...


The Historic Joanna Furnace ...

Hand-crafted pewter figurines ... 

Handmade brooms ...

The antique car show!

Some live musical entertainment and a few vendors ...

Fantastic homemade soups!

The soups are made FRESH ....
We took home a couple of canisters of Chicken Noodle Soup ... 
Aurora Skye, her hubby Jim and my husband.

A pretty handmade wreath I bought at the festival ...

Another cool find! ...

A cute little new fall decoration!

I bought these hand-crafted pewter figurines as well for  a GREAT price!

And, finally an UPDATE on Moose via my friend Renee  ...

Moose appears to be 95% better! He's back to stomping around the kitchen screaming and licking his food bowl clean. He's even started to drink water again. Hopefully whatever caused this is completely out of his system. He's certainly perfected the art of giving us a good scare every few months

🤷‍♀️. I'm happy to see him get his attitude and sass back. He's resumed his role as boss.
Cuddling with "daddy Jon" ...

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend everyone!


  1. The festival looks like fun. Loved seeing all the cauldrons with the soup. Fun Halloween decorations especially that dragon. Glad Moose is back to his old self.

    1. You would have loved it, CJ. It was very HOT outside yesterday! lol

  2. What a wonderful way to enjoy a September weekend. I especially liked the witches brooms and the antiques cars - and the lovely items you purchased.
    I'm so glad to hear that Moose is feeling better!

    1. I sure wish you lived in PA, Jon. I know that you would have enjoyed this event!!!
