Friday, December 30, 2022

The best intentions

Happy Friday everyone! It is Friday already!! - WOW, how the week off flew by! - and I had so many plans to get a lot of work done at my house. Well, for some reason I just did not have the energy that I thought that I would, but at least I was able to get a little bit accomplished on my time off.

This past Tuesday, my sister Aurora Skye and I took good advantage of the after Christmas sales at our usual haunts. One place we stopped at was a cool shoppe located up the road from me called, "Soul-Centered Wellness" where I found this pretty pink rhodonite gemstone ...

Not only is it a lovely stone, but I bought it because of its' healing properties ...

While taking down the Eeyore Christmas tree downstairs, I came across a very old book that I purchased many years ago at a used bookstore on one of our trips to New Hope, PA. It is such a cool book and I especially enjoyed the chapters on the history of gemstones and their association with the zodiac signs ...

We also checked out the items sold at "The Mint Leaf" and I just could not pass up these purple pressed flower studs ...

I picked up the amethyst earrings at  "Gem on Penn". I thought the two pieces of jewelry might go nicely together. 💎

As for today, I will be cleaning the house as it has been given a "lick and a promise" all week.



Sunday, December 25, 2022

Holiday Weekend: Part 2 - Christmas Day


Greetings to all! I hope everyone survived the nasty winter weather and managed to have a good Christmas or Yule. Started off the the day with two e-cards from my husband - he did not get me an actual card this year, but figured that this was the next best thing. The first one ...

Second one ...

My husband's gift - a special personalized t-shirt from HIS cat, Sir Leo ... gotta love Etsy!

Off to pick up my mom and head to my MILs house to heat up the homecooked dinner ...

 But not until after all of the kitties were fed their breakfast ...

Ate dinner and exchanged presents ...

My MIL's eight year old dog, Tulip ...

We had A LOT of leftovers!  ....

Saturday, December 24, 2022

Holiday Weekend - Part 1

Happy weekend everyone! Today marks the first day of my holiday yearly company shutdown. I will not have to go ack to work until January 3rd. I have A LOT of work at home which I am planning to do, but as for today, I picked up our Christmas dinner that I ordered for tomorrow and I dropped off a dessert order from Chef Jesenia for my long time friend, HPS, and Reiki Master, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon at her house afterward. It was sooo nice to be able to take the time to spend with her catching up! She surprised me with a special little Yule gift ...
A beautiful ceramic cat! ... 

She and I have been good friends for many years and spent MANY celebrations together ...
A pic taken of us from Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's 40th Birthday celebration.

This is our favorite pic taken at one of her Yule ritual celebrations with her coven.

This one was taken from a Samhain ritual celebration!

We also had a company Pig Out this past Monday where we all brought something in to eat. I brought Lebanon Bologna and Cream Cheese Rolls ...

Also, my friend Chef Jesenia and I exchanged gifts. She gave me these cool things ...

And last but not least I leave you all with a very pretty Jewish folk song I have loved ever since I was a kid ... I hope you enjoy!


"Sweetest Dreams Be Thine"

Shalom, lecha, may peace be with Thee, ahavti, O Baby mine,
Alma k'dosha, alma k'dosha, may sweetest dreams be thine.

Lu, lu, lu, lu, lu, lu, lu, lu. . .

They say a star shines bright in the heavens to glorify a newborn King.
But sleep, my Joy, let no one destroy Thy peaceful slumbering.

With gems and gold, with myrrh and frankincense,
All in praise came travelers three.
I wonder why, I wonder why they came in praise of Thee.
(Shalom lecha = peace to you; Ahavti = You have my love; Alma k'dosha = virgin holy)