Sunday, December 25, 2022

Holiday Weekend: Part 2 - Christmas Day


Greetings to all! I hope everyone survived the nasty winter weather and managed to have a good Christmas or Yule. Started off the the day with two e-cards from my husband - he did not get me an actual card this year, but figured that this was the next best thing. The first one ...

Second one ...

My husband's gift - a special personalized t-shirt from HIS cat, Sir Leo ... gotta love Etsy!

Off to pick up my mom and head to my MILs house to heat up the homecooked dinner ...

 But not until after all of the kitties were fed their breakfast ...

Ate dinner and exchanged presents ...

My MIL's eight year old dog, Tulip ...

We had A LOT of leftovers!  ....


  1. Beautiful photos!! Merry Christmas, I wish you a happy holidays. :)

    Abdel | Infinitely Posh.

  2. Looks like a fun celebration. All the kitties are so cute. Enjoy your break
