Sunday, January 01, 2023

Monday, Monday

Greetings all. Well, tomorrow is Monday and officially the last day of my company shutdown (big sigh). I did enjoy my time off even if I did not get everything accomplished which I had planned on. On Friday, I put away some of my winter décor and left some out since it is still the winter season. As you can see, Sir Leo helped me to decide which decorations to keep out ...

I did; however, manage to clean the house - which was MUCH NEEDED for sure! I also rearranged a few things while I was at it.

My little Teddy bear kitty was watching the TV with me as well ...

Poor fella, he has no idea that his neuter surgery is scheduled for the 12th of this month. I pity him, but it must be done - he is already exhibiting signs of his hormonal urges. Luckily, so far, he has not begun to spray.

I hope that everyone had a rather enjoyable New Year's Eve. We chose to stay home warm and safe snuggling up with our fur babies. That is MY idea of happiness any time of the year!


  1. Your house looks great. Sir Leo has beautiful tabby markings. Happy New Year!

  2. It looks like Sir Leo is reluctant to let go of Christmas. It will be a relief when Teddy finally gets neutered and can be released from his cage.
    My (now deceased) cat Scruffy went into "heat" at a very early age and she was completely impossible to deal with until I had her spayed.
    It seems like the holidays passed extremely quickly this year. I'm already looking forward to spring. I absolutely can't tolerate the prospect of more winter storms.

    I'm glad you had a pleasant New Year's Eve at home. That's the best place to be.

  3. The holidays go by so quickly.
    We took our decorations down on New Years Day!

    Sending my good wishes for a happy and healthy 2023.

    All the best Jan

  4. Fun mermaids in the bath! Snuggling with the kitties is a wonderful way to spend the days. Happy New Year
