Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Funny thing happened on the way to the DMV

Happy Wednesday all. Well, so far this has been an insanely busy year for me ALREADY! Not only am I running my mom around to her ridiculously many doctor appointments and such while trying to work them around my second shift work schedule, but I had to take another day off of work yesterday in order to get my driver's license renewed at the DMV in town. What a three-ring circus that always is every four years!

Since I had to renew it before it expires at the end of this short month, my original idea was to go NEXT Saturday when I actually had the time to do it. However, the  DMV will be closed the entire weekend for President's Day. Ironically, it worked out for the best in the end because apparently the State of PA no longer gives you until the last day of your birthday month to renew your driver's license. Now, they expire on THE EXACT date that you get it renewed! In other words, my license would have expired next Friday the 24th!

Now, the funny part is that the center was so backed up as usual, that they told us that if we wished to use our old photo from the last four years on our new driver's license, we would get served faster. So when the guy in charge said, "Is there anyone here who is 55 years or older and wants to use their same photo?", I said, "ME!" The guy joked and told everyone that we could all look younger for ANOTHER four years - so what is not to like about that? lol


  1. That's a great idea to use the old photo. Your photo looks great. My license photo looks like I'm from the stone age.

    1. Thanks, CJ. Mine usually looks like a mugshot! lol
