Monday, March 06, 2023

A belated ...


Just a quick post for today. On Saturday I spent the afternoon with my sister Aurora Skye having a kinda "belated" birthday get together since I was away last weekend.

We had lunch at The West Reading Tavern where she treated me to delicious birthday lunch ...

And some GREAT gifts!! ... 

Spring earrings and some wonderful Yankee candles!


  1. It was a nice idea to have a belated birthday celebration. The spring earrings are so cute - - bunnies, eggs, and carrots. I think spring is only about two weeks away (March 20??)

    1. Thanks, Jon! Yup, Spring IS coming to us on March 20!

  2. What a nice way to spend the weekend. Love the restaurant. I'm glad I'm not the only one that hasn't put all the Christmas decorations away 😺

    1. Rest assured, you are NOT! I still have not put away my Christmas/Yule or any of my Winter decorations away yet. Been too busy.
