Sunday, May 28, 2023

And now, back to reality ...

Greetings, friends. I hope all is well with everyone. It has been a while since I last posted. There are a couple of reasons for that. I have been inundated, and mean inundated, with nothing but challenging problems! My mom is not doing well - she can not go home because she is unable to get up and down by herself so she can not live alone and she can not live with me and my husband because we work far too much - it would be a safety issue for sure. Her insurance company only gave her three weeks for recovery when the surgery requires eight weeks. She is not eligible for government assistance because her income/assets have to be UNDER $8,000 in order get "help". So I am trying to get an extension and I am also trying to get FMLA approval at work in order to have the time to deal with all of this crap. I am literally losing my mind! My mother is a very difficult person to deal with as it is and that is not helping things at all. She may need to sell her house in order to live and she refuses to face any type of REALITY. And I mean NONE what ... so ... ever.

And, if that isn't bad enough, yesterday we found out that our cat Teddy has roundworms so we are trying to treat all six house cats because they use the same litterboxes and are also infected now. You can not buy roundworm meds at the pet store - only tapeworm. So, while looking around in Petsmart yesterday, there was a cat rescue trying to get some adult cats adopted and we were telling them our problem with Teddy and the roundworms. They said to go to The Tractor Supply Store (they buy their worm meds there all the time) because they have meds for farm animals that, according to VCA Animal Hospital, are safe for dogs and cats as well as long as you follow the dosage directions according the animal's weight. My husband looked into it online and said that it is supposedly safe. We have absolutely no time (or money) right now with all of the BS that is going on with my mom and her problems to make appointments for all six cats at our vet. We will try this first and if we have to we will take Teddy to our vet first. I have already disinfected all of their litterboxes and Teddy is being quarantined in the large dog cage in the cat's room. We have a digital scale at home so we used that like our vet always tells us to do.

For Sure!!


  1. I feel for you, Kim. Dealing with Elders can send you over the edge. Check with the Senior Center in your mom's town. Talk to the Shine Officer. There are resources to help like having a personnel care assistant go a couple of times a week to help with bathing and dressing and/or homecare to help with housework and errands. It's not free, but it's not expensive either and will keep her in her home (if possible). You can also try A Place for Mom Good luck with Mom and the kitties, too.

  2. I'm sorry that you're under so much stress - - believe me, I can identify with it. Your mother's situation is really difficult. She can't stay alone at home unless she could get so kind of assistance, and I fully understand why she can't stay with you. I truly hope you can get an extension for her recovery time. The "red tape" for all these things can drive you insane.

    I went through absolute hell in Texas when my mom had a series of strokes - - I was completely alone with nobody to help me. The meager medical facility was totally incompetent......and I was eventually financially wiped out. Dealing with old age is a nightmare.
    I wish I had some good advice for you, but I'm coming up empty....

    It's also stressful to dealing with ailing kitties - - and the endless vet bills. I would have never thought of getting meds for animals at the Tractor Supply Store.
    I'm hoping all will go well for you and sending positive thoughts.

    1. Thank you for your good wishes and positive thoughts, Jon. And you are right, it is extremely difficult. All we can do is take one day at a time I suppose.

  3. I am sorry to read what you are having to deal with at the moment.
    Sending positive thoughts and good wishes to you.

    All the best Jan
