Sunday, May 14, 2023

My Mother's Day Story ...

For us, this was not our usual Mother's Day celebration. It all began when I received a phone message last Saturday morning from my mother, who was upset, informing me that she was in the emergency and they were getting her prepped for surgery! Okay, so what happened now? She never explained WHY she was there or anything, only that she was there! After a call to the hospital I was told that she fell on her other hip (she fractured her left hip a few years back). Long story short, she spent a day in Reading Hospital then they shuttled her over to their rehab center for a couple of more days, now she is currently trying to rehab at a facility called, "Mifflin Center"...

After having several serious discussions with her Case Worker, Alisha, my mom has a very long road ahead of her and due to a lot of other medical issues it is uncertain at this time when or IF she will ever be able to get released to go back home again. Time will tell.

That being said, yesterday I ordered a Mother's Day bouquet of flowers from our local Royer's Floral Shop to be delivered to her at Mifflin Center. In order to not confuse things and in an attempt to not have our order screwed up by mistake, I did not order two bouquets (one for my mom and one for my MIL), I only ordered ONE and we were going to order my MIL's today (Sunday). 

My mom called me, understandably confused, and said that she received TWO bouquets from my husband and I! Oddly enough, even though I did not order two, two got delivered and it ended up working out in the end anyhow ...

After visiting with my mom today, we stopped off at my MIL's house to deliver her the other bouquet my mom received ...

A pretty pic of my mom's blooming bushes ...

A little nightcap at the Sinking Spring VFW ...

Have a good week everyone!


  1. So sorry to hear about your mother's injury. It's so hard when they get older and maybe can't live on their own anymore. Ultimately, it comes down to their safety first over happiness. Sending your mom and you good vibes.

  2. I was really hoping that you'd have a lovely weekend. Unfortunately it sounds like a stressful ordeal. I'm so sorry that your Mom will have to undergo surgery. Falls can be EXTREMELY dangerous (I know from very bitter experience). I'm sending positive thoughts and prayers for you and your mother.

    The bouquets are lovely and so are the blooming flowers. A welcomed breath of spring.

    1. Thank you for your positive thoughts, Jon - they are very much appreciated.

      She had emergency surgery on her hip and is currently still rehabbing in the hopes that she will eventually be able to go home again.
