Sunday, May 07, 2023

Small world ...

I have posted previously about my personal trainer, Debbie,  who took me under her wing and year ago and cared enough about me to go out of her way to see "outside of the box" in order for me to be able to see what I was doing and perform my job well - Hell, to perform it at ALL! Not only that, she exhibited the patience I needed to not give up - and she never gave up on me! Because of these things, I can NOT thank her enough!! ...

Coincidently enough, I recently found out that she had also once lived in the very same third floor apartment that I had sometime after I moved out of Shillington, PA . Some old pics of the place ... (1991-1998)

She is not just my personal trainer, but one of the few co-workers who communicate with me on a daily basis during work hours (our lockers are also side by side). Her boyfriend happens to work at Pepperidge Farm and he and his co-workers are allowed to take home the cookies which do not make the grade and will not be sold in stores. She brings in HUGE bags (at my request) of Milano cookies - YUMMY GOOD! This week, she threw in a small bag of Chessmen for my husband. VERY thoughtful of her!  MANY THANKS, DEB!!

Have a great week everyone!!

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