Wednesday, June 28, 2023

More color, please!

As many of you may remember from one of my previous posts, I am absolutely obsessed with colored mascaras! Not just because they look cool, but at my age black no longer looks good on me and brown does not show up on my lashes well enough. 

So, this is a sort of Part 2 to my first post a little while back. I hope you enjoy!

Sky Blue ...

Emerald ...

This brand is called, "Pudaier" and it came with an eyelash curler and an eyelash brush  - Blue and Purple ...

These are glitter mascaras from Lime Crime's "Diamond Dust Iridescent Eye & Brow Topper" - The purple is called "Amethyst" and the blue is called "Winter Blue" and they were part of the Christmas line of make up now on sale ...

I found this cool link on the net. Just an aside: Gee, I don't see Ms. Heide's product on this list ... lol


The Pat McGrath Dark Star Color "Ultraviolet Blue" was too dark for my liking so I gave it to my co-worker, Myah, and she sent me this pic. She used it on her bottom lashes only - it looks great on her!

Have a great day everyone!!.

DON'T fall for it!

A couple of weeks ago, I decided to search for another assisted living facility for my mom because her agreement with Mifflin Court was only for a month. She is STILL not ready and quite frankly, I have my doubts she ever will be at this point, but given she refuses to accept the possibility that she may never be able to go home and live alone like she had previously I am at a total loss anymore.

At any rate, on the referral from a friend, I contacted "A Place For Mom" to get more information, Now, for those of you, like me, who by the name alone assumed that this was either a nursing home or a senior assisted living facility, it is NOT! It is a so-called "free" referral service. First of all, NOTHING in life is ever "free"! I should have done my homework BEFORE contacting them, but thank God I did not go any further with these scam artists. 

Long story short, I received a phone call from Kim, my contact at Mifflin Court, immediately after I had sent her an email inquiring when exactly my mom's last day there would be that she would need to be out. I explained to her that I was looking into a local facility called, "Rittenhouse" via A Place For Mom referral service. SHE wasted no time in calling me and explained that "A Place For Mom" has financial contracts with participating senior living facilities and that the TRUTH is that they tell you that their service is "free" BUT what they do not tell you is that the facility pays the first month for your loved be to be there. MEANING, that THAT money IS A Place For Mom's commission that YOU will actually pay for in the end because "... that facility is not going to lose that money." Kim further said, "I have been doing this for 34 years and they will make up that month's expense from you." 

So, at the moment I am trying to work with Kim to extend my mom's stay at Mifflin Court. This entire thing has been nothing but a complete nightmare! I would not wish this sh*t on my worst enemy, - I swear it.

Among the bad reviews and such that I found (and there were MANY) I thought it noteworthy to share these:

  1. A Place For Mom is nothing more than heavy advertising bundled with boiler room commission sales reps pressured to close. APFM performs no due diligence or quality review of providers before, during or after placement. It is not "free!" Your first month payment to a provider is their fee. APFM is nothing more than a bulletin board directory used by service providers to generate leads. Nothing more. Rather, there is something more... Harassment by high pressure boiler room commission sales reps. APFM could be selling penny stocks, commodities, options, aluminum siding or extended warranties...same model. Generate leads! Sure business is business just realize You are the mark!.

This whole experience has made me so ANGRY that I just had to publish this post. I understand that "nothing is free" but I refuse to pay someone else thousands of dollars to do something I could have done myself in the first place. A Place For Mom is nothing more than a Ponzi scheme and a rip-off IMO. As the saying goes, "BUYER BEWARE!" ..

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Weekend happenings

Greetings, friends. Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I had a belated birthday lunch at Ganly's Pub. Her birthday was actually the previous week, but she and her hubby spent the weekend celebrating with her relatives in Erie, PA ...

We both had a small bowl of Lobster Bisque for an appetizer ... Delicious!

She had the Turkey club sandwich ...

As per usual, we decided to do a bit of shopping at some of our local stores. I picked up a few lovelies at "Soul Centered Wellness" ...
A Soap Lift

An opaque geod.

From "The Mint Leaf" ...

AND, a new place Aurora had taken us to called, "The Mystic Mind" - me thinks we found another GREAT shop!
Strawberry scented Wax Melts. (only $5.00!)

A Triple Goddess chalice/goblet (Maiden, Mother, & Crone) ... Beautiful!

Handmade Soy candles ...

And last, but not least, "Barnes & Noble" bookstore where I purchased this cool book!

After I got home, my hubby surprised me with this! Whenever he sees anything with a mermaid on it, he buys it for me LOL! ...

Another surprise - Aurora gave me this sweet gift she bought for me at Presque Isle State Park while on her vacation. MANY THANKS!

Chilling out with Sir Leo last night.