Sunday, June 25, 2023

Weekend happenings

Greetings, friends. Yesterday, my sister Aurora Skye and I had a belated birthday lunch at Ganly's Pub. Her birthday was actually the previous week, but she and her hubby spent the weekend celebrating with her relatives in Erie, PA ...

We both had a small bowl of Lobster Bisque for an appetizer ... Delicious!

She had the Turkey club sandwich ...

As per usual, we decided to do a bit of shopping at some of our local stores. I picked up a few lovelies at "Soul Centered Wellness" ...
A Soap Lift

An opaque geod.

From "The Mint Leaf" ...

AND, a new place Aurora had taken us to called, "The Mystic Mind" - me thinks we found another GREAT shop!
Strawberry scented Wax Melts. (only $5.00!)

A Triple Goddess chalice/goblet (Maiden, Mother, & Crone) ... Beautiful!

Handmade Soy candles ...

And last, but not least, "Barnes & Noble" bookstore where I purchased this cool book!

After I got home, my hubby surprised me with this! Whenever he sees anything with a mermaid on it, he buys it for me LOL! ...

Another surprise - Aurora gave me this sweet gift she bought for me at Presque Isle State Park while on her vacation. MANY THANKS!

Chilling out with Sir Leo last night.

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