Sunday, July 30, 2023

Blessed Lughnasadh!


Saturday, July 29, 2023

Weekend Happenings

Happy weekend, all! Just a little weekend post. Last weekend, my friend Deb surprised me with this really cool mermaid gift ... THANK YOU, DEBBIE!

Today, I enjoyed a very wonderful dinner with my good friend Jesenia (AKA "Chef Jesenia") at Flanagan's Pub for her "belated" birthday celebration ...

We both love the season of Fall so much, for her birthday gifts, I surprised her with these ...

Have a great week all!

Friday, July 28, 2023

Fun Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!!


In addition to music, Bowie took acting roles throughout his career, appearing in over 30 films, television shows and theatrical productions. His acting career was "productively selective", largely eschewing starring roles for cameos and supporting parts; From July 1980 to January 1981, Bowie played Joseph Merrick in the Broadway theatre production The Elephant Man, which he undertook wearing no stage make-up, earning critical praise for his performance.

Thursday, July 27, 2023

TBT- Divining the Future Pt. 1: The Tarot

This is a post I had written back in October of 2010. I have decided to re-post it for two reasons ~ 1) for those followers who may not have been with me at that time, and, 2) because I have added a second part to this particular one which I will post on my blog next week's TBT ~ it will be titled, "Divining the Future: Speaking of Ouija Boards." Well, here goes!:

Who isn’t intrigued to some degree by the art of divination? Even those who are seemingly skeptical are still somewhat fascinated by the idea. From tea leaves to tarot cards, divination goes back centuries. It is simply astounding how many different types of tools are used. Pendulums, palmistry, runes, tarot cards, ouija boards, crystal balls/scrying, egg yolks and even coffee grounds are just a few examples of how to divine the future.
On Samhain 2002: Me with Waterfae at "Barbon's Tavern" in Reading, PA

The vast majority of witches whom I have known over the years have learned some form of divination skill along their path. As for me, I read the tarot and have been using the cards for several years. On an occasion or two, my friend Waterfae and I would be asked to read cards at various establishments – pubs, private parties, etc. Waterfae works with “The Fae” when performing her readings, channeling through "them.” While I, on the other hand, use the 10-card Celtic spread – combining the meaning of the cards with my own intuition.

Card placement is an important factor when reading for someone. Past, present, future and outcome cards – all tell a story! It is also very important to make sure that people understand that the future is not “written in stone.” The reading itself simply reflects the individuals’ own chosen path at the time of the reading. It can either be considered a warning of things to come or a kind of confirmation, if you will, of the good choices the individual has made in their life thus far. In other words, “if you don’t like the direction you are heading in, CHANGE IT!” We all have that power within us!

Tarot cards, when used correctly, can be an excellent source of guidance. The cards themselves date back to 1442 and were commonly used by Kings to predict the rise and fall of power. They survived religious persecution by going underground, reappeared sometime in the 1700’s and are still used by many witches today.

Whatever the method of divination you may be using, always be sure to use your tools wisely and never abuse any natural “gift” that the Goddess & God have seen fit to give you. ~ Blessed Be!

(Just a word of caution regarding ouija boards. THEY ARE NOT A GAME!!! Using these boards opens up doorways to the spiritual realm – inviting ANY spirit, friendly or not, into your life. Unless you are highly experienced and know exactly what you are doing in order to take the proper precautions to protect yourself, I strenuously advise you to avoid using ouija boards for ANY reason!!!!)

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

"The Haunting" House

For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by old, haunted-looking Victorian-style mansions. I find them both beautiful and intriguing. Back in 1999, my husband and I along with my friend Willow and her now hubby, Sean, saw the movie "The Haunting" in a local movie theater. I remember my friend and I turning to one another and saying, "I WANT to live in THAT house!" πŸ’•

That being said, this post is not about the movie itself, but rather the breath-taking mansion which was used in the location of the film. 


The Great Hall of Harlaxton Manor, which was used as Hill House's games room.

Principal photography began on November 30, 1998, and ended on April 9, 1999. Harlaxton Manor, in Grantham Lincolnshire England, was used as the exterior of Hill House while its Great Hall served as the games room.

The majority of the interior sets were built inside the dome-shaped hangar that once housed Hughes H-4 Hercules, near the permanently docked RMS Queen Mary steamship, in Long Beach, California. The handcrafted interior sets cost an estimated $8–10 million to construct, and were designed by Argentine production designer Eugenio Zanetti.

One of the coolest scenes from this movie was shot in a Carousel room, inlcuding mirrors and a revolving floor ...

The movie cast: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Owen Wilson, Lili Taylor, and Liam Neeson.

Sunday, July 23, 2023

A little Sunday Retro Music



Saturday, July 22, 2023

Weekend Happenings

Happy weekend everyone! I took a well-needed break from my cray life and my sister Aurora Skye and I spent a couple of hours getting out and about today. We had lunch and decided to go check out what new seasonal goodies "Murdough's Christmas Barn" had to offer. 

Earlier in the week, I picked up a pretty little top at "The Mint Leaf" to go with a cool skirt I also bought there a few months ago. Now, all I need to do is lose about 25 pounds in order to look presentable in them  Not as easy as it sounds however ...

One of the reasons that I wanted to frequent Murdough's is because I am "chomping at the bit" for AUTUMN to arrive!!! So much so that I started to put away my summer dΓ©cor and bring out a few of my Fall/Mabon decorations ...  

Back to the crockpot slow cooking a pot roast for tomorrow's dinner ...

And ... DONE!

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend all!

Sunday, July 16, 2023

Weekend Happenings


Greetings all. I am currently working on another post, but in the meantime this is what is happening.

Lunch with friends yesterday afternoon at Beverly Hills Tavern ...

A nice break with my friend Deb at The Ridgewood Winery - VERY relaxing!

Visiting with Jack - Deb's kitty ...