Saturday, July 22, 2023

Weekend Happenings

Happy weekend everyone! I took a well-needed break from my cray life and my sister Aurora Skye and I spent a couple of hours getting out and about today. We had lunch and decided to go check out what new seasonal goodies "Murdough's Christmas Barn" had to offer. 

Earlier in the week, I picked up a pretty little top at "The Mint Leaf" to go with a cool skirt I also bought there a few months ago. Now, all I need to do is lose about 25 pounds in order to look presentable in them  Not as easy as it sounds however ...

One of the reasons that I wanted to frequent Murdough's is because I am "chomping at the bit" for AUTUMN to arrive!!! So much so that I started to put away my summer décor and bring out a few of my Fall/Mabon decorations ...  

Back to the crockpot slow cooking a pot roast for tomorrow's dinner ...

And ... DONE!

Have a wonderful rest of the weekend all!