Saturday, August 26, 2023

Another Update

Greetings friends. Well, one step at a time so I am told. Last Thursday, I met the nurse from Rittenhouse at Mifflin Court who was assigned to assess my mom's level of care. Surprisingly, it went fairly well as she is what they consider a Level 1 - meaning she needs the least amount of care. The level of care is added to her monthly rent plus some extra fees 😲. I am currently in contact with Trish from Rittenhouse as to what the month-to-month rent will be after her first time one month's rent (in September) of $99.00; however, it is estimated to be $2K less than she is paying now at Mifflin Court. After spending about an hour speaking with Trish, I was rather surprised that Rittenhouse offers a bit more in the monthly rent than Mifflin Court does. Mifflin Court is a very nice facility, but they are far too expensive. As my mom's P.O.A. I am trying to get more "bang for her buck" so to speak. 

This past week, I have been in contact with both Rittenhouse and Mifflin Court as to what I need to do as far as getting my mom transported to Rittenhouse as her last paid up day at Mifflin Court will be August 31st. Unfortunately, just as is the case with Mifflin Court, I will have to pick her up myself and take her Rittenhouse since they only have one driver who is responsible for transporting residents to their weekly doctor appointments. My husband will be taking a 1/2 PTO day on September 1st in order to help me transport my mom from Mifflin Court to Rittenhouse because she is not very stable and I do not think that I can handle her all by myself. I can not take another FMLA day from work until September 1st regardless.

And on top of dealing with all of that BS, I am still trying to get the ball rolling on selling my mom's house for her - against her will, of course, but I see little choice at this point. It is a no-win scenario. I am damned if I do and damned if I don't. The alternative is to send her home and leave her to her own devices. 

So, at the end of this week it is goodbye Mifflin Court ...

On the other end of this, I am also working with my husband's cousin's daughter who is a realtor and she is currently assessing my mom's house property to see how much my mom could live off of after selling her house. My head is spinning at the thought of it all!!!!


  1. You are enmeshed in an on-going nightmare with a multitude of conflicting issues to consider. I wish I had some advice, but I don't. I think you're holding up extremely well. Selling your mom's home must be emotionally difficult, but it obviously has to be done. Take care of yourself, tackle one day at a time. My thoughts are with you.

    1. Thank you, Jon. I can not tell you how much your thoughts and words mean to me right now. I am with you as well each and every day.

  2. Not an easy time or tasks that you are having to face and sort out.
    Thinking of you and sending good wishes.

    All the best Jan
