Sunday, August 06, 2023

Happy 60th Birthday, Deb!

August 2nd was my friend, Deb's, 60th Birthday! I was planning on taking an FMLA day from work to do my usual running around for my mom and then attending Deb's birthday party celebration in the evening, but after I got sick earlier in the week, it pretty much put a damper on THAT idea. 

In any case, since she is a "beach baby" her husband rented The Party Boat at The Beverly Hills Tavern Beach Bar on Friday. Because I had to work and could not attend, I stopped off at her house today to give her her birthday gifts and hung out with her for a little while. I gave her two pairs of Dragonfly earrings and a soy candle from "Soul-Centered Wellness" ...

Some pics from "The Party Boat" ...
Deb's grandson, J.J., Deb, and her bubby Dave.
Deb, her grandson's .J.J., Sebastian, and her daughter Rayann.