Wednesday, August 02, 2023

This and That


Greetings, friends. Not much happening here this week except my husband was sick last weekend with a fever - chills, sweats and all. Hence, I am sick now too with most of the same symptoms. So I had to take a couple of days off to recover. My "illustrious employer" does not believe in giving us ANY sick days so I had to use my unpaid FMLA given that I have no more PTO days left - not that we get many of those either because we don't. Since I must go pick up my mom's dirty laundry at Mifflin Court every week, I can not afford to get her sick as well (more about her in an upcoming post).

My car is also giving me problems, I am having trouble getting it to start. It is a crap shoot. It is not the battery because my husband just put a new one in two weeks ago and the garage put a new one in a few months before that when I had to get my car inspected. Either something is draining my battery or there is a wiring problem somewhere or perhaps even electrical because sometimes for no reason at all the radio will turn on then shut off without me touching it. A few days ago, I heard a loud BOOM and I thought maybe my speakers blew out - since then I have not even tried to use the radio. I called the garage and they can not get my car in until NEXT Wednesday - which of course does me no good what-so-ever if my car leaves me sit before then! Always something, eh? ...

In the meantime, Butterscotch is enjoying the new plush blanket with pumpkins on it that I bought on sale at Ocean State Job Lot a few months ago ...


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