Tuesday, September 05, 2023

The Dream

This morning I had a very lucid, albeit unsettling dream. As anyone who still follows my blog knows, I have been trying to find a way to sell my mom's house for her so that she may have money to live on since it no longer possible for her to live alone anymore.

Before I woke up, I dreamt that I was in my mom's house with the realtor and we were discussing what needs to be done when all of the sudden I saw my mom's last dog she lost about a year ago. Surprised, I said to the dog, "What are you doing here?" Then, two of my mom's other dogs and her only cat that passed away years back walked past us. I bent down to pet one of the dogs and I could actually "feel" the dog's fur on my hand. I turned to the realtor and said, "Do you see that?" 

As I turned my head toward my mom's kitchen, I saw my beloved Dad standing there wearing a long gray coat. I ran up to him and hugged him and told him I loved him. I remember he just stood there and said nothing. Then I woke up. And that was the end of my dream.

What did it mean? What made me dream something like this? Guilt because I need to try to sell the house my father built with his own hands- not to mention the childhood memories of a house I grew up in. Or, was it merely the result of an overwhelmed mind? 


  1. Precious things of the past have come back to visit you at a vulnerable time in your life. It is undoubtedly disconcerting but I think.it's a positive omen
    I have many dreams like that
    I very often talk to my mother in my dreams. She listens but doesn't answer. Dreams are often strange and confusing but have powerful implications

    1. I think you are definitely right about dreams being powerful, Jon. Glad to know that someone else understands,
