Monday, October 09, 2023

Is that you, Dad?


My sincere apologies to everyone for not posting for a few weeks. I have been so unbelievably busy that I barely have time to breathe as of these last few months since being thrown into a nightmare. I will try to visit your blogs when I can I promise. Until then, I felt the need to share a recent personal "ghost story" if you will ...

This past Saturday, my husband's cousin's daughter, Carissa (my realtor) and her husband were helping me to clean out my mom's house - which is a sort of horror story of its' own I might add. My dad built the house and no one has ever lived there except my family. The attic is just a crawl space that you can not even stand in. 

Carissa shared a story with me about something "creepy" that happened while they were checking out the attic to see how much of a mess we have to deal with. She said that every time her husband spoke or said anything, the attic light would flicker. After he stopped talking, the light would stop flickering. They did this several times and the same thing would occur. Carissa spoke aloud to the "presence" that was apparently making themselves known to them and told them not to worry, they were not there to hurt anyone. She immediately asked me if anybody had died in my mom's house. I explained to her that my dad had passed away in the living room surrounded by my mom and I. 

So, I have no doubt in my mind that my dad was in the house with them and most likely always is at all times. I can feel him every time I walk into the house and most especially in the four-car garage which he also helped to build and was his pride and joy - which now is almost empty as I have been trying sell off items to help raise more money for my mom to live on. 

As I stated previously, this entire experience has been a complete and total nightmare. By far, the hardest thing I have ever had to do in my life since dealing with the loss of my dad.


  1. So nice to see you back! Sorry to hear of your 'nightmare' issues. When it rains it's more like a hurricane and tidal wave. Been there. I hope things start calming down for you. That was really an interesting story about the attic in your parents' house. Sounds like your dad is most definitely present. Have you picked up on anything there? Best wishes and hope things are sorting themselves out.
    Paranormal John

    1. Thank you, John. Good to hear from you as well!

      I have not yet picked up on anything - just a strange feeling that my dad is watching me and I hope that he understands "why" I have to do what I am doing. I wish he would give me a sign so that I knew whether or not I was doing the right thing by my mom I am trying my best to look out for her as he would have wanted me to.

  2. It's wonderful to have you back and know that you are okay - - despite the fact that you are going through an extremely difficult time. Often during such chaotic times strange things will happen.
    The attic light is such a potent story and a certain sign that your dear father's spirit is there. I'm sure he thinks you are doing the right thing for your mother. Hopefully things will work out well and you'll be able to rest mentally and physically again.
    The photos of you and your Dad are so sweet.

  3. Until someone walks this path, they have no clue what you are going through. Just know you ware doing the very best for your mom. You're a good daughter.

  4. You are going through a difficult time at the moment, sending good thoughts and wishes to you.

    All the best Jan

  5. Hi! I have autism and I have a question: I’m establishing a personal Wiccan tradition for myself and my action figures (for myself only I don’t want to convert anyone) and I was wondering if you could say a blessing/prayer for me to become the first priest of my religion. It would mean a lot if you did.

  6. Thank you for your commitment to excellence in your writing. It truly shows!

  7. Wow, this post is good, my sister is analyzing these kinds of things, so I am going
    to convey her.

  8. Those are nice pictures. But I am sorry you are going through such difficult times.
