Friday, February 23, 2024

Just another year ... at 60

Well friends, today is my 60th birthday - and yet another year older. No special plans, to me it is just another day much like any other. Yesterday morning, I had a dentist appointment for my six month teeth cleaning (or that is what's left of my teeth as I get older) and I need to go back next Thursday to get two of my teeth filled.

Open up and say, "AHHHHH!"

After I got home, I saw that the cat wreath I had ordered about two weeks ago from ETSY arrived ...

It is really cute and I immediately hung it on the front door ...

It came with a string of LED lights to place on the wreath as well ...

I also received a very thoughtful birthday card from a good friend -. many THANKS, JUDY! It was a very nice surprise! ...



My long-time friend, Kiki (my goddaughter's grandmother) called me up this morning to sing HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me! I miss them both soo much ... THANK YOU, my Kiki-girl!! I LOVE YOU GUYS! 
My beautiful goddaughter, Kylianna all grown up!!!

While on my way home from all of my necessary running around yesterday, I stopped off a our local Wine and Spirits Shoppe and saw this on sale (I assume it was a leftover from Valentine's Day?) ...
White Chocolate Strawberry Cream Moonshine.

As far as the weekend goes, I will be busy as always these days - very little time to myself anymore, but as my dad always used to say, "It is what it is." ...

Have a good weekend all.


  1. Glad you liked the card! I will be 60 in June! It's hard to believe! That moonshine looks good.!

    1. I loved the card, thank you!! Where did the years go?? I haven't tried the moonshine yet, but hope to tonight with dinner.

  2. Happy birthday wishes! I hope this new year of your life will be filled with peace, wonderful new adventures, and all positive things.
    The cute cat wreath arrived just in time for your B Day. I could sure use some of that moonshine. White chocolate strawberry cream - - wow, who could resist?
    I stopped counting my birthdays when I was 40. There was a time when I actually couldn't remember my age (it was great!).

    1. THANK YOU, Jon! I wish you the same for this new year! We gotta stick together, my friend!! BTW, I am officially 60 and HOLDING!!

  3. Happy birthday wishes.
    I like the cat wreath.

    All the best Jan

  4. A very happy birthday to you! 💐

  5. Happy Birthday. May '60' be a good year for you. Lots of new, fun adventures, good health and some peace. Things we could all use! The kitty wreath is so cute, esp. with the lights.
    Paranormal John

    1. Thank you so much, John! The wish the same things to you as well, my friend!!
