Thursday, March 14, 2024

This and That ...

Greetings, friends! No, I am still not emotionally ready to discuss the events of the last few months yet as it is far too painful and difficult. However, I will update you on the current situation. My mom is back at Mifflin Center after several bad falls and TRYING to rehab there. She had no choice but to change her current Medicare third party insurance (Geisinger Gold Advantage Plan) to regular Medicare because Geisinger would not approve her stay at Mifflin Center until April to continue her rehab! And at $400-some dollars per day, she can NOT afford it! I HATE insurance! Especially when it is so damned complicated and confusing thanks to our Government!! I have no freaking idea WHAT I am doing I feel so lost. I spent four hours at Mifflin Center yesterday making phone calls with my mom lying in a bed aside of me because even as a legal P.O.A., there are some things I can do to help my mom and some things I can NOT - dealing with changing my mom's address with Social Security (and the million questions they ask of an 84 year old woman) is one of them, and, dealing with the IRS and taking care of her taxes is another! Both the State of Pennsylvania AND the IRS DO NOT recognize a legal document such as a Power of Attorney. In fact, the IRS has their own way of doing things and require you to fill out all kinds of ridiculous forms in order to accept you and your legal P.O.A.  In other words, my mom's bank and her insurance honor it, but the IRS and State do not. My mom owed money this year and after contacting the IRS via telephone, I was advised to pay her Federal taxes owed from her modest annuity by cashier's check. Oh God how I hate taking on my mom's responsibilities. It scares me TO DEATH! There is A LOT more to this story , but I will spare you the ugly details. I swear I am losing my mind!!!!!!

In other news, while I was getting ready for work on Tuesday, I received an IM via Facebook from The Mint Leaf that I won a bunch of tulips. It was a rather nice surprise ...

Have a good everyone.


  1. Hugs to you, my Lady, for taking on a difficult task. Your tulips are very pretty.

    1. Thank you, CJ. But to be honest, I was NOT given a choice in the matter - unfortunately. Take care!

  2. Nice to see your tulips.
    Sending my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

  3. I accidentally deleted my comment!
    The simplest things inevitably have a way of turning into devastating complications (especially as we grow older). I can fully identify with your present plight. I'm presently having to contend with numerous problems that are literally draining my soul and making me wonder if it's all worth the struggle....
    Take care and keep strong (easier said than done) - - my positive thoughts are with you.
    The tulips are beautiful, I've never seen them that color.

    1. Many thanks, Jon! I am doing my best to keep it all together - it gets old fast. and so am I lol It would help if my mom would give me a break, but i have no control over that. between the drama and the disgusting medical bills I could scream!!! At this rate she will run out of money before she passes away!!

      Yes, I love the purple tulips color.
