Sunday, April 21, 2024

This and That

Greetings, friends. It has been extremely difficult since my mother's passing, but I am doing my best to get through it - probate BS and all. However, this weekend I spent some much needed time away from it all with my seester Aurora Skye.  We stopped off at "The Mint Leaf" before having lunch where I found this very nice four-leafed clover pendent ...

And, as usual, we went to our local "Barnes & Noble" bookstore and I bought these chocolate bunnies filled with jelly beans for 75% off ...

We had a wonderful lunch at "Ganly's Pub" ...

Also, my hubby and I received a very generous invitation to my co-workers birthday party near where I live - Miss Sonia (pictured on the left)  ... 

1 comment:

  1. I hope you get through the red tape soon. It's good that you have your sister to help keep your sanity and the party to look forward to.
