Sunday, June 02, 2024

Weekend Happenings

Greetings, friends. After almost three months of ungodly heat and humid weather, we finally had to replace our central air unit. We had been nursing it along for a couple of summers because we did not have the funds to buy a brand new one. Our old one had a leak in it and we tried having it patched but it did not work and since you can no longer get Freon anymore that was that. This past Thursday, B.L. Ott came out and installed our new central air unit. It cost us $8,000 but has a 10-year warrantee. We were able to front $5,000 of it, but we had to finance the rest.


The cats were also really feeling the horrible heat we have been having here ... 


In other news, we recently traded in our DISH Network for a V See Box. We had DISH Network for many years, but when they tried to force us to upgrade costing us $150.00 more per month, my husband said NOPE! In case you do not know what a V See Box is, it is a small box that streams off of your internet service. It has EVERYTHING from a huge array of movies, television series, Live TV, YouTube, Netflix, Disney Channel, Prime Video, and MORE! It comes with a remote control which is easy to use. The only thing is, once in a while you must reboot - no big deal. 

And last, but certainly not least, I had a wonderful visit from my first cousin, Tina, and her husband today. We spent the afternoon catching up after MANY years of not keeping in touch. Tina is my mother's only sibling's daughter who is dealing with exactly what I had to with my own mother (Tina's aunt was my mother). Tina is a PRN and just retired from her job. She is, like I was, THE ONLY one taking care of her mother and trust me, IT IS A HUGE UNDERTAKING! She and her husband had moved and now live closer to me which I am very happy about!! ...


  1. I just had our a/c serviced for the summer months this morning. and will get the furnace checked in the fall. I get the package deal. The service guy told me be glad I got a new furnace and a/c last year as prices are going to go through the roof. He said what was $7-8,000 will soon be more like $14,000. 00. He said soon people won't even be able to afford a/c. Be glad you got a new one!! Enjoy a comfortable summer! I read it's to be a rainy/sultry one (at least in Ohio). Cable prices are nuts, too! Glad you got your mo. payment down! It's nice your cousin has moved closer. Now....have a cool summer!
    Paranormal John

  2. I'll bet the kitties are enjoying your new central air unit. I've never heard of a V See Box but it sounds like a good deal. I haven't had a TV since I moved to TN. I watch everything online.
    It's nice that your cousin has moved closer to you. I've lost touch with most of my relatives since I've been sick. I feel very guilty about it, but I'm just too exhausted to communicate.

  3. So glad you were able to put in new AC. I love how we do things for the fur babies 😸(like the sunroom that was built for Ink😸 ) So nice to have your first cousin close by. Mine are scattered but I'm glad to be able to keep in touch with them via Facebook. Your cousin looks more like your sister.
