Saturday, July 06, 2024

This and That

Even though the holiday is officially over and it is now the weekend, still, the noisy fireworks continue to terrify our cats. But, the fur baby I feel the most sorry for is Charlie, our outside kitty. I hope he is okay - he never showed up last night for his dinner as he so religiously does. Hopefully, he was just hiding out somewhere SAFE!

I just found out this past week that an old friend and acquaintance,  Mike "Magoo" (his nickname) from Flanagan's Pub had passed away of a heart attack. Mike had been a local patron since the opening of Flanagan's Pub in 1982. I loved his personality - always offering a smile and an interesting story or two ...

A snapshot of "Magoo" and me.
I most especially enjoyed his stories from New Orleans about "Madam Laveau". 

So, who exactly is "Madam Marie Laveau"?:


An adorable pic of "Dominic" as shared by Judy and Rich. And a couple of pics  of him enjoying his new laser pointer toy! He is such a little cutie pie!

Newly ordered pair of mermaid and merman earrings from ETSY that I just could not resist ... 

πŸ’—πŸ’—Charlie is back!πŸ’—πŸ’—

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry your friend Mike passed away. These losses always put a sobering perspective on our lives.
    I'm so glad Charlie is back. Fireworks really do terrify cats and dogs....and sometimes people, too.
    When my (now deceased) cats Bosco and Scruffy were kittens, they loved those laser pointer toys.
