Friday, August 30, 2024

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Friday everyone! Well, it's Labor Day weekend and autumn is on its' way!! We still have the ungodly heat and humidity here although we have had a night or two of 60-some degrees by 10:30pm in the evening which is unusual for the month of August.  

We were finally able to make an appointment at our vet for Charlie to get checked out on September 23rd. We are praying that he is healthy and does not have Fel-Leuk. He is currently still residing downstairs in the holding cage, but he is handling it very well. He loves to be petted and is such a little sweetheart! ...  

Kitty hand butts!

Surprisingly, I am off of work for the next five days. My employer decided to offer us TOST days - meaning that we have a very rare chance to take a day off (in this case two days off not including the Labor Day paid holiday and the weekend) without pay. So, I will not have to go back to work until next Wednesday - Thank God!!

We also received our tickets in the mail for "The Jersey Boys" show at the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre on September 23rd. This is my husband's wedding anniversary gift to me as our anniversary is next month.

As for the rest of the holiday weekend, I would like to clean up and organize around the house. I also need to bag up a lot of clothing, shoes, and things to drop off at our local Goodwill Store if possible.

Have a great weekend all!


  1. I'm glad you're having an extended Labor Day Weekend vacation. Summer seemed to fly by - - autumn is only a few weeks away!
    It's too bad that you have to wait so long for Charlie's appointment. Hoping everything will be OK.
    Your wedding anniversary gift is special and unique.
    (Sherry was such a popular song)

    1. Thank you Jon! I hope you have an enjoyable Labor Day!!

  2. Awesome that you can take some extra, well-deserved days off. Enjoy!
