Sunday, August 18, 2024

This and That

 Blessed Sunday, friends. It was a very busy Saturday for us.  First of all, my MIL was admitted into The Reading Hospital on Friday afternoon. She apparently slipped and fell while walking from the kitchen to the living and broke her right shoulder bone. She will be in for a couple of more days then she will be discharged to rehab. My husband's cousin and his wife drove from Baltimore, Maryland to deliver her these beautiful flowers ...

She has a room with a view so to speak as you can see the emergency helicopter landing station atop of the hospital building... 

This is the lit tower of the Admissions Building. It has been a dreary, gloomy weekend here in Reading, PA so this is not the best pic of it.

My husband and I had a nice lunch at Applebees in Wyomissing. I had a refreshing drink called a "Shark Bowl".

My husband and I were unable to attend the Sinking Spring VFW Members Appreciation Day, but I was told that my basket of wreaths were a big hit.

I had a chance to meet the woman who won them when we went to the VFW for dinner later on and she came up to me and gave me a huge hug. The pic below is of Jenelle who put together the basket and displayed the wreaths nicely ...


In other news, Butterscotch had what think was feline dermatitis. I used refined coconut oil for a couple of days to rub under his chin where the patch was. Coconut oil is safe for cats (used as an exfoliant) and it seems to be working very well. His patch is almost gone already! ...


The girls, Miss Ginger and Lady Tabitha ...


  1. Sorry to hear about your MIL. I hope she has a speedy recovery. I thought the building with the gilt dome was a government building. The shark bowl looks very pretty and no surprise that your wreaths were a big hit. I didn't know coconut oil was ok for kitties. Good to know.

  2. Stopping by to say thank you for your kind thoughts and condolences on Eddies passing.

    I do hope to get back to regular blogging soon.
    In the meantime, my thanks again to you.

    All the best Jan

    PS Sorry to read about your MIL, I hope she recovers quickly.
