Sunday, January 19, 2025

And so it begins ...

Yup, and with up to 6 inches of snow expected here, it is coming down hard and fast! It is piling up pretty quickly, too! It is supposed to keep up until 10pm ...

It is difficult to see, but there are a dozen or so small birds (not robin's - do not know what kind of birds they are actually) spread out all over the lawn and the snow covered driveway looking for food ...

... which is driving Lady Tabitha crazy ...


We have MLK Day off from work tomorrow, but I have to call the vet back regarding our baby boy, Butterscotch. They called us on Friday while my husband and I were both at work - and of course the vet did not explain anything in her message which makes me even more of a nervous wreck! At least I do not have to call off of work tomorrow because of the 💩 weather. I will still have to worry about my husband's safety. 😔

Be safe all!!


  1. I hope you get good news about Butterscotch from the Vet. Keep us posted. Sending out positive vibes. The weather here in the Cleveland area is not great. Drove in a whiteout tonight and the temps are dangerous. I'm glad you don't have to go to work tomorrow. Me, too. Retirment has its perks! Best Wishes for Butterscotch.
    Paranormal John

  2. Winter is nothing but a major inconvenience. Right now here in TN it's snowing and 7 degrees! (it's midnight). Hope you, your husband, and the kitties are safe. Good luck with Butterscotch.

    1. 7 degrees? WOW!! Today it is 21 degrees here in Reading, PA.

      Keep on keeping on, dear friend and thank you!

  3. We didn't get as much snow as predicted. The storm started as rain and early afternoon was supposed to turn to snow. The snow didn't start until 5 or 6 pm. And we only got 6 inches instead of the predicted foot. I hope all is well with Butterscotch.

    1. That is good! We got around 6 inches as well but it was light and powdery. Stay warm!!!
