Friday, January 24, 2025

Food for Thought Friday


Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some people stay for a while and give us a deeper understanding of what is truly important in this life. They touch our souls. We gain strength from the footprints they have left on our hearts and we will never be the same.

~ Flavia 


Happy Friday, friends! Just this morning while talking to a long-time good friend of mine, I was reminded of something very important. I have always believed that God puts people in our lives for a reason; hence, I have never believed in coincidence. My friend said to me, "I wish I would've met you earlier in life. I'm sure my life would have been very different."

After giving it further thought, it occurred to me that although she may have been right, she and I met one another at exactly the time we were meant to do so at the time in our lives we were supposed to. I have had many "friends" in my life that had come and gone and each and every one of them has remained in my heart. Why? Because they have taught me something about myself and life which I needed to learn. 

To this day, I have three close friendships which I cherish and consider them as close to "family" as you could get. After all, I have learned that blood does not always equal family. 

Have a great weekend everyone!


  1. I agree that things in our lives don't happen because of coincidence. There is a reason why things happen - - and this includes the friends that come into our lives. I do have some friends who are closer to me than relatives.

  2. Friends are the family you choose for yourself.
