Saturday, January 04, 2025

Weekend Happenings

I hope all is well with everyone on this HORRIBLY very cold and windy weekend - and the worst of it is yet to come starting on MONDAY morning. Friday night was a complete nightmare trying to drive home from work at 10:30PM. It began snowing as I left for work at 1PM and we were supposed to get a dusting to an inch. Well, it stopped snowing around 5pm, BUT by the time we left for work all - and I mean ALL - of the major roads and highways were SHUT DOWN due to tons of accidents from black ice! What made it so bad was that the idiots at PENNDOT never bothered to even salt the major roads! So, I called my husband and asked how he thought I should get home. With the major roads shut down I had little choice but to take my chances on the back country roads. As I was talking to my husband on the lunchroom phone, I lost the connection because we lost power at our house. I held my breath and prayed as I left the parking lot and began to head home. Turned out that our country roads were actually salted by the township so they were not near as bad as the major roads. I made it home safely as my husband watched at the window for me to get home okay. After I arrived home, he said to me, "I was really glad to see you turn onto our street!" We ended up getting our power back a little after 2AM.

When I got home he had already lit every single oil lamp and votive candle in our dark house ...

This afternoon, my friend Deb and I had a sort of girls day out beginning with haircut and style appointments with her niece, Mandy, who owns her own hair studio. I had two inches taken off of my length and Deb had highlights and a cut.

These are before ...

And after pics ...

Mandy helps support local business and allows vendors to sell their jewelry in her salon. I really liked this pair of earrings because they reminded me of mountains ...

Afterwards, we decided to meet her husband and our friend, Kyle, at Railroad House for a nice lunch before going home. But first, some lazy cat pics ...

Sir Leo confiscated one of my Christmas gifts from Deb...

 Butterscotch keeping warm ...

And Teddy and Charlie playing together ...

Lunch with the guys ...

For dessert, I ate a favorite snack later at home - a waffles and ice cream sandwich!

"Door Into Summer" (live with cat story about the song told by Mike Nesmith) - The Monkees


  1. Thankfully you made it home safely. Roads around here weren't great either (in NE Ohio). It's an Arctic day here. The sun is shining but that's deceiving as it's so frigid. The kitty pics brightened my day. I so miss my Eddie. Stay warm and safe. Old Man Winter has just started, I fear.
    Paranormal John

    1. I am afraid you are right, John - we are being told it will be a very bad winter this year and I believe indeed it will be! So over this weather already.

      Be safe, my friend!


  2. I hate snow and ice, and I hate driving in them. So glad you made it home safely. I'm stunned the major roads weren't taken care of. One thing I like about driving the backroads, not many people on them so you can go real slow. I've been watching the weather map with the mega storm moving across country. Stay safe.

    1. Most definitely! Driving in it terrifies me, but I take the back roads for the same reason you do - less traffic!!

      Take care and stay safe!
      ~ Kim
