Sunday, February 09, 2025

Odds 'n' Ends

Blessed Sunday, everyone! I am (rather impatiently) waiting for SPRING TO ARRIVE! Last night, we had one helluva wintry mix and they are calling for more CRAP most of this coming week! GRRR and BRRR!!!

Moving on, my good friend and co-worker, Miss Sonia, had some major surgery performed on Friday and we are all sending her flowers and get well wishes tomorrow while she is recovering at home for the next three weeks. We all truly love this lady!

Miss Sonia cuddling with her beloved dog, "Randy." These are pics that she shared with me. She simply adores her little boy ...

A pic from last year at her 60th Birthday Celebration! ...

Hanging out with Miss Sonia and friends at work ...


Cat Cafe? How cool is THAT?!? ...



  1. Best Wishes to Miss Sonia. Her doggy is adorable and will help her heal and get back on her feet.
    This is our Kitty Cafe:
    We had an ice storm here last night. The roads are skating rinks. Staying. home! I did do competitive ice skating.... but at this age those days are long over. No more Holiday on Ice for me!
    Head butts to the kitties!
    Paranormal John

    1. John, any chance you have any pics or videos from your skating days? Oh, how I would love to see them if you do!

      LOVE your kitty cafe, too!!!

      Big hugs!

      - Kim

  2. I'm with Grumpy Cat. Winter bites. Get well wishes for Miss Sonia. 💐
