Saturday, February 15, 2025

Valentine's Day Weekend


HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY WEEKEND, FRIENDS! My hubby surprised me with these two Valentines Day cards after I came home from work last night ...

Hubby and I back in the year 1995 ...

 And, today ...


And, a special THANK YOU to one of my thoughtful co-workers for surprising me at work yesterday with this little chocolate "goodie" box of candy ... YUMMY!!

Many thanks, Ms. Bea! 💖


The current scene outside of our house in Reading, PA. (this pic was taken at 1pm this afternoon and it is STILL coming down here!) 😖


"She dances in a ring of fire ... and throws off the challenge with a shrug" - Jim Morrison



  1. I like the idea of extending Valentine's Day through the weekend. I am very familiar with Andes candy. My father used to buy it all the time. The two photos of you and Hubby are sweet.
    Snow? It's snowing here in TN, too.

    1. We had snow turned to rain between yesterday and today. BUT, we are going to get hit bad this coming week AGAIN.

      Thanks, Jon and STAY WARM!!

      - Kim
