Friday, January 21, 2011

Any man can be a Father, it takes a special person to be a Dad

I must say that I owe much of who I am as a person today to my father. He is absolutely, without a doubt, the most kind, warmest, wisest fellow I have ever known. He is the kind of person who would give the shirt off of his back to a stranger in need – honestly. He always seems to keep a chin up and a positive attitude about life no matter what happens. He has made so many sacrifices over the years for our family so that we would never have to want for anything.

My dad is a very open-minded Aquarius (his birthday is January 22) who loves animals, nature, science (go figure, right?), and science fiction. I once remember taking him to a Star Trek convention, since we both have always been huge fans, and we had such a blast! He is also the coolest dad I have ever met. He has very diverse musical tastes ranging from Hank Williams, Sr. to Bruce Springsteen and Sophie B. Hawkins. He is an extremely laid-back, easy-going person who always manages to stand up for what is right. For example, he has always been supportive of my decision to be a Wiccan and has gladly educated himself on what witchcraft is all about. On more than one occasion, he has stood up for my right to practice my beliefs even to the behest of certain family members. Likewise, I would stand behind him as well and there is nothing I wouldn’t do for my dad.

My dad Bill, Brett, me & my mom Elrita

As his daughter, I am ever so proud of him and I feel very blessed by the Goddess to have a father like him. Tomorrow he will turn 78 years old. Happy Birthday, Dad – we love you!


  1. What a beautiful post and lucky you to have such a father!

    Blessings for a Happy Birthday to your Dad!

    Blessed Be,

  2. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful man Makes sense since he raised the terrific kids that he did! Tell him happy birthday from us!!

  3. I sure will! Thank you so much Willow and Tereza for your Birthday wishes!
    Blessed Be!
