Sunday, January 23, 2011

Celebrating Ostara - The Spring Equinox

Ostara is The Spring Equinox which is celebrated between March 20 and 22. Many of the Easter traditions of today are rooted in this sabbat from Easter bunnies to painted eggs. In the Druid tradition, it was known as Alban Eilir.

The sabbat of Ostara originates from the Germanic countries. Early Western European Pagans called it the Festival of Eostre.  Eostre was the Teutonic Lunar Goddess of Fertility and Her sacred animal was the hare. (The Saxon version of the Germanic goddess was Ostara). Eostre’s feast day was the first full moon following the Spring Equinox. The word "Easter" is derived from this goddess’ name.
The Christian celebration of Easter was set close to this Pagan holiday in an attempt by the Church to convert local Pagans - designating their Easter celebration, which they believed commemorated the resurrection of Christ, as the official holiday.
Early European Pagans celebrated the renewal of life and the on- coming of the new planting season. Seed corn and barley were planted by hand, with special ears of corn saved to create the corn dolly or kern king, symbol of the sun god Lugh, who was sacrificed at Lughnasadh – the First Harvest. This is the sabbat when both light and dark and Goddess and God stand as equals - for this is the time of balance. 

Since it was a Pagan custom to exchange painted eggs during Eostre’s Festival, our Wiccan group usually decorates our Ostara eggs, exchanging them and then leaving them on our altar in honor of Eostre until the evening is done. After ritual, we continue to clelebrate with a feast of our own - enjoying our delicious food and refreshments!


  1. I just wanted to say that I love your posts. I think they are so interesting!

    Thanks for sharing -

    K.B. Love

  2. Looks like you all had a great time!! Matt looks totally engrossed in his work, lol! I miss having someone to practice with so much!

  3. Regarding seed corn and ears of corn I want to clarify that this would NOT be Zea mays (Maize) as this grain was not introduced from Mexico into Europe until the 1500's. "Corn" in the old pagan rituals would be wheat and rye.

  4. Great Post thank you :D
    thought you might like my Eostre/Equinox machinima film
    Happy Ostara ~

  5. This is pretty sweet. Thank you for sharing. You just made my day!
    Happy Ostara!
