Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Getting Ready for Ostara

Wow, it looks like it's that time of the year already. With Spring just around the corner, we at Old Path Enlightener's Circle are starting to get ready for Ostara and we are so excited! For not only is this the time for honoring the Goddess Eostre and the God in His aspect as Young Lord, but it is also a great reason for taking time out of our busy day to day lives to get together with family and friends!

Everyone in our group plays an active role in the ritual ceremony. For example, Draco is responsible for "saging" (cleansing everyone within the sacred circle with the sage smoke from the cauldron) and making the Ostara incense, Rhiannon purifies the circle by sprinkling the blessed water around the perimeter while Page follows behind her using the salt to seal it. I anoint everyone's third eye with the Goddess Oil which I prepare before the start of the ritual, as well as cast the circle, call the corners and so forth.

Each year; however, I add a little something different to our sabbat ceremonies. This helps to keep our rituals fresh and also allows us to continue to learn new and interesting things. This can be something as simple as a sabbat blessing or perhaps a new activity of some kind.

I can honestly say that, through all these years, I have never gotten bored with Wicca - largely due to the fact that there is always so much more to learn that it seems we are constantly feeding our minds with something new. Besides, it is hard to get tired of a religion which offers so much natural beauty!

Ostara Incense                                          Goddess Oil
3 parts Frankincense                               3 parts Rose
2 parts Sandalwood                                 1 part Jasmine
1 part Benzoin                                         1 part Sandalwood
1 part Cinnamon                                     1 part Gardenia
A few drops of Patchouli Oil     
          Eostre Poem
  The snow has all melted
And winter has gone,
Now Nature is singing
Springs’ most beautiful song;
As we honor the Goddess -
The Devine Eostre,
While she breathes her life
Into the birds and the bees;
She's fertile and loving
Ancient Mother is she
From the youngest child
To the oldest tree
      ~ Lady Caer Morganna



  1. What fun, and how spiritual. It is nice you have like-minded people to share the sabbats with. Your poem is lovely, and I would surely love to smell the incense. I will try to make it, thanks for the recipe! The snow won't be melted here for Ostara, but it is wonderful to know the Wheel is turning towards warmer days!

  2. Sounds wonderful, my sister! I miss you ever day, but the holidays are even worse. I wish we could be together to celebrate. I am in Reiki class on Ostara, but I am going to get up extra early with the kids to help them celebrate the coming of Spring. We are going to dye eggs and change over our nature table for starters.

  3. Me too, I really do miss the "old days" a lot! We will have to get together for a ritual when you come to visit soon.

    I am sure you guys will have fun celebrating!!!
