Saturday, March 12, 2011

My Cotton-tailed Friends

Since we will soon be celebrating the sabbat of Ostara, I thought it only fitting to remember all of my special cotton-tailed friends that we have had the pleasure to have shared our lives with over the years. They were all rescue bunnies including our most recent Dwarf bunny, Sam.

First there was Sir Barney, our black and white Mini Lop, whom we took in when he was just a little buck. We found
him abandoned in an old apartment. He was the most awesome of all our rabbits. I actually litter box trained him using the book, "Hop To It" for training house bunnies. He lived to be 7 years old which is the average age for a Mini Lop.

Our Maine Coon, Sabrina snuggling with Barney

   Our cat Maggie saying, "I love you!"

"Right back atcha, baby!"

Then came Choloe, a sweet little gray and white speckled bunny who found a home with us after a friend of mine found her outside his neighbors house - she kept escaping from her cage! Rather than see a dog or car get to her, we took her in. She also lived to be about 7.

Now we share our home with Sam, a tiny brown and white Dwarf bunny that someone decided to drop off  in our yard last Fourth of July (they must have known the right house to pick - lol!) Sam is such a character and my cat Midnight loves to keep him company sometimes by laying aside of his cage in the cat's room.

Sam (left) posing with his buddy Sidney, who belongs to a friend of mine

As you can see, our cats have always gotten along really great with all of our bunnies. This post is dedicated to all of them!

1 comment:

  1. Such sweet photos of bunnies and kitties. How perfect for Ostara.
