Thursday, March 31, 2011

A Happy Ending

Last night, I decided to stop by my friend Fran's to drop off Pepsi's bed and to see how he is adapting to his new home. I am extremely pleased, to say the least, to report that he is doing wonderfully! He is happy and loving his very warm and spacious environment. He absolutely adores Fran and the feeling is definately mutual!

When I arrived at Fran's, she had also had a little "surprise" for me as well. As a way of saying, "Thank you" for taking care of Pepsi, she had given me a beautiful mermaid holding a real seashell lined with pearls and decorated with starfish. (I know what you are thinking - "There she goes again with the mermaids!" LOL). Not only is the mermaid thoughtful, but these are the kinds of gifts that hold a special meaning to me because they are always given from the heart and I can not thank her enough.

I would also like to say, "Thank you" to everyone who helped see me through Pepsi's transition with your very kind and caring words. I can not tell you how much it means to me to know that you all care so much.


~ Kim


  1. That is wonderful news. (and cute mermaid, too!)

  2. So glad to hear Pepsi is happy, and Fran is happy, and now you are happy!! And, welcome to the new mermaid, she looks like quite the sea creature!!!
