Wednesday, March 30, 2011

That's What Friends Are For

I’ve known Fran, a.k.a. Lady Sabrina Rhiannon, for about 12 years now. I first met her while working for the same insurance company back in 1999. She is a Reiki Master/Teacher of Usui Shiki Rhyoho and Shamballa Multidimensional Healing, a nondenominational Minister for the ULC and a Registered Nurse whose specialty is OB/GYN-Maternal Childcare. She is also the High Priestess for her Eclectic Wiccan group, “The Coven of the Silver Moon Circle.”

 I consider her my High Priestess and the Pagan clergy to whom I can turn to when needed, she is my Reiki Master, my confidant and my close friend. Goddess knows, we have seen each other through good times and bad through these many years. She is like family to my sister Robin and I. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman for she has always been there for me and I know that no matter what, I can always count on her as much as she can count on me.

When it comes to friends, I have been very fortunate in that I have always managed to surround myself with good people. Today, I just wanted her to know how much I appreciate her and how grateful I am to have someone as special as her in my life. The following poem is dedicated to her and our long-time friendship.

My favorite pic taken on Fran's birthday - August 2002


She came into my life,
Goddess-sent from above,
With her kind, caring ways
I was touched by her love

My teacher, my friend
She’s taught me so much,
From her true Wiccan ways
To her soft healing touch

A spirit so strong
A soul with a heart,
She gives of herself
Her knowledge impart

How grateful I am
To know her as such,
And so shall now be
Forever touched

 ~ Lady Caer Morganna


  1. a beautiful poem for your good friend. a special great to have someone in your life who means so much! you are truly blessed.
