Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Project: Reiki Room

After spending the entire morning cleaning up the downstairs spare room in order to move my Reiki Room into it, my hubby and I went a-shopping for a rug we could use. We picked a dark green rug to match the little window curtain I bought a few months ago. My new Reiki bed came in a couple of days ago and I couldn't wait to use it!  I purchased it off of e-bay and it's portable so I can take it anywhere. I absolutely LOVE IT!

The Reiki Room is a work in progress and still needs a lot more fixing up, but my goal is to have it finished by the time I get my Reiki II certification in May. I am so excited!


  1. It looks great!!!

  2. The Reiki bed looks great, and I am so happy your room is coming together. Congrats ahead of time on achieving Reiki II! That is wonderful.

  3. Your Reiki room is coming together beautifully! Don't you just love a good table? My husband bought mine from Amazon as a gift for being certified in Reiki II.

    Next month is Reiki Master for me . . . woo hoo!

    Good luck and sending you Reiki love.

    Blessed Be,
