Monday, March 21, 2011

A Weekend of Magick

It was a weekend full of magick! Beginning with Saturday night's breath-taking "Super" Full Moon ...

... and continuing with our Ostara celebration on Sunday. As you know, I decided to celebrate with Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's group, "The Coven of the Silver Moon Circle" in their Ostara ritual this year. Of course, I still performed my own little solitary ritual earlier that day as well - afterall, I am still a Solitary at heart (lol)!

"The Gang" - Laura, Lady Sabrina Rhiannon, Deb, Sara, me, Melissa & Robin

 Joining us was my sister Robin (Aurora Skye) and her husband Jim. My husband also came along but prefers just to watch and observe everything. He is an Agnostic, but he has always supported me and my decision to become Wiccan.

We all had a great time both during and after the ceremony as we reconnected with Nature and eachother. I haven't seen my friends from Lady Sabrina Rhiannon's coven since last May at Beltane. I love getting together with them as they are such an awesome group of gals! As with my own group, The Old Path Enlightener's Circle, everyone contributes something to the ritual whether it's helping with the calling of the corners or volunteering in a special planned ritual activity. I am usually asked to assist Lady Sabrina Rhiannon with invoking the Goddess and God and the symbolic Great Rite - which I am always more than happy to do!

Our Ostara Altar and cauldron with tea lights - symbolizing the Goddess turning  the Wheel of the Year back to Spring.

     Posing with my sister Robin

Thoughtful gifts for all from Lady Sabrina Rhiannon and Sara for Ostara!

     Delicious food and refreshments!

After a few hours of fun and chit-chat, it was time to go home and get some rest for Monday to start the work week all over again. Hope everyone had a Blessed Ostara!


  1. Sounds just perfect!!

  2. Sounds like you did indeed have a Blessed Ostara with wonderfully spirited people. How great!!!

  3. wish I could have celebrated Ostara with other Wiccans but they're hard to find in my town.

  4. Lanterna - sometimes it can take some time to find other Wiccans to connect with. I was lucky enough to be able to meet a couple whom I worked with, but I didn't really seek them out, they kind of "found me." Be patient, I have faith that eventually you will meet others.

    Blessed Be!


  5. I have to agree with Lady Caer. You will draw these people to you at some point. Like attracts like. Be patient and be open. My Wiccan sister and I were naturally drawn to each other, despite other who tried to stand in our way. You can't stop fate :)
