Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Wonderful Day at the Faire

My husband and I had an awesome day today at The Life Celebration & Holistic Faire 2011 in Reading, PA with my dearest friends and Wiccan family Rhiannon, Draco and their son, Richard.

The Faire is held every year and has so many great things to offer! You may have Reiki performed, cleansing & balancing, aura photography and readings, tarot  & psychic readings, and there are a number of places you can buy crystals of all kinds, herbs, candles, books, you name it!

Of course I couldn't resist getting my aura read as I do every year.  Lucy, the Aura Reader, hooks you up to an electric aura machine that takes your picture and prints out your reading at the same time and then she sits down with you afterward to go over everything. She looked at all of the yellow and orange in my aura and said, "You're reiki, aren't you?" because of all the reiki energy I was radiating. I just had to smile and reply, "Yup, I am!"

Richard's Aura pic

 I also bought a couple of other items as well. Since I am working on revamping my Reiki Room, I picked up an adorable Maneki Neko to place on the Reiki Altar. Maneki Neko literally means, "beckoning cat" in Japanese.

Because I am "mad about mermaids," I decided to buy this really cool mermaid box. When it comes to mermaids, "You name it, I got it!" 

And last but not least, I bought yet another item this year for my Ostara altar. A lovely statue of the Goddess Eostre ...

Rhiannon and Richard also had their auras read and Draco picked up a beautiful Bloodstone pendulum that was just calling his name! Overall, great day!


  1. Sounds like a super day! Oh, I love your Ostara Goddess, it is beautiful. Glad you were able to get out with good friends and enjoy!!! Ostara blessings to you, my good sister!

  2. oh, and p.s. my blog is overly coloful and decorated for the Celebrate Oz blog fest. It will be a little more sedate AND I adore your mermaid graphics on your blog.

  3. Richard Godfrey19 March, 2011 18:06

    I just posted my "Very Red" aura pics on Facebook! Feel free to post them on here if you want i can email you a copy or you can copy it off Facebook.
    Cool idea of posting what you bought today. I really like the Maneki Neko! My mom bought me some really neat colored rocks (I can't think of their actual names) they are the thin clear ones that come in different colors and when you hold them up to the light you can see different layers and small crystals. I think she bought me them shortly after yous left, so I'll have to show you them next at the next Sabith.

  4. Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend. Love all of your special finds!
