Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Pagan Profile

~ My Pagan Profile ~

Name:     Lady Caer Morganna, Solitary Eclectic Wiccan Priestess/
Rev. Kimberly Witycyak                                

Location:          Reading, PA

Profession:       Non-denominational Minister/Pagan Clergy for U.L.C./Notary Public/CSS

Hobbies/Interests:   Writing poetry, reading tarot, reiki, spending time with family, friends and my  feline “children” and teaching Wicca

Blog/Website name:  The Wiccan Life

URL:                    http://thewiccalife.blogspot.com/

Your spiritual path:      Eclectic Wiccan

How did you find your current path?    It found me

Previous spiritual path(s) (if any)   I was raised into the Lutheran faith until the age of 14.

What drew you to and continues to keep you on this path?   Knowing what is right for me in my heart and understanding what belief system makes sense to me.

If you’ve been pagan for several years, what changes have you seen in the Pagan community as a whole, and/or your own practice?  I have continued to grow through the years as I am always striving to learn more and as the Pagan community continues to move forward and progress, so do I through meeting others.

What subjects are you interested in reading about - in books, in blogs, etc.? Different traditions & rituals, recipes, prayers, spell work,  astrology, mythology

What are your current goals/aspirations?  How are you working to bring these to fruition? (practically and/or magically)  I am currently working on my Reiki II Certification and I would like to build a Pagan Network from my Eclectic Wiccan group, “The Old Path Enlightener’s Circle.”

What about the world would you like to see change - short term/long term? That people would show more of a mutual respect for one another and learn to live more peacefully together.

What has made and/or continues to make you truly happy? My practice, my friends and family and my cats!

What is your favorite word?  "love," simply love

What/who inspires you?  Nature inspires me because it’s so incredibly beautiful!  –  and the fact that we are truly “all one.”


  1. I am happy to read your pagan profile. We are building our own Circle here. Sisters truly.

  2. Merry meet,

    My name is Elagan I just launched a free pagan social network site called www.thewitchesweb.net
    Its a place were we can learn,love, laugh and share as we walk the path. You can post your own local events (links to your site), start your own group, ad you pics,videos,questions, blogs and more. Its in its maiden stage so any love or support is welcome.

    Thank you for reading this

    Bright Warm Blessigns


  3. Hi,
    Can you perform A wiccan ceremonial funeral? Are you an ordained priestess? Did you learn the craft via college or life experience?


    1. Today at 4:48 PM

      Dear friend,

      Yes, I can perform a Wiccan ceremonial funeral, I am an ordained Priestess. I learned through years and years of studying, practicing and have studies a bit with another ordained Wiccan High Priestess who has her own coven for many years as well. I also teach. :)

      Blessings to you,

      Lady Caer

    2. Thanks so much for the information. I appreciate it. I have a very invasive surgery on May 19, and the chance of complication and risk are very high. I took my oath a witch one year ago , and have been studying two years. I want to die a witch, and not in a Christian church. If I should pass on my Niece and Executor will contact you.
      Thank you so much,
      I feel at ease.
      So mote it be!
