Saturday, May 07, 2011

Midsummer's Day

One year upon Midsummer’s day
I slept beneath an elder tree
And in my dream while I there dozed,
A faerie came to me
First tall then lithe, then short and stout
Then just like me was she
With pointed ears and gauzy wings
And then with none to see
A light of green surrounded her
I smelled her rosy scent
She spoke like silver bells a-ringing:
“Come see my land,” she said; I went!
Fiddlers played and pipers too
In rings of clover on the hills
I heard the drifting, lovely tune
And it overcame my will!
The faeries danced and ate and drank
As on their merriment they bent
I joined them in a circle dance
And danced till I was spent
When I awoke I was again
Beneath the stately tree
I looked around, but could not find
A one of all the sidhe
I’ve searched for all these many months
To find a Fae to take me back
But the magick of Midsummer,
It seems is what I lack
So I’ll be off to the Faerie lands
In June when the roses bloom
When I see clover rings on the hills afar
and I hear a drifting piping tune!

~ author unknown

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