Saturday, May 14, 2011

On a more positive note

As some of you may already know, I have been donating funds and resources whenever I can to one of our local animal shelters called, "Animals In Distress." This is a no-kill shelter which takes in ALL kinds of critters! They even rescued a paralyzed kitty whom they helped to learn to walk again and now has a really good home. 

Success stories such as these bring tears of joy to my eyes! In the mist of all of the bad things that have been going on at work this week, it was so nice to come home yesterday and find a very thoughtful letter which I received in the mail from Rose Yanger at the shelter.

You see, about a month ago, I sent them a few homemade cat nip mouse toys along with my regular donation. I love to crochet and thought I would put my skill to some sort of good use. I am so glad that I was able to help brighten up the day of these much deserving animals! I pray that ALL of these precious animals find wonderful homes.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you and your cat toys!! That is wonderful! Have a peaceful weekend, and don't think about the crap at work!!
