Sunday, May 15, 2011

Shopping at the Flea Market

Yesterday afternoon, my husband and I decided to go bargain shopping at Zern's Auction House in Gilbertsville, PA. Zern's is one of our local flea markets and one of the oldest in PA. It has been around since 1922 and is only open on Friday's and Saturday's.

It is a fairly huge place and there are all sorts of cool stands, food and, of course, an auction. The weather was rainy and cold, but we didn't care - we had a good time anyhow.  Here are some of my finds.

 A star wall sconce

Little mermaid candle holder

Small hanging heart decorations with holly painted on them

Small tree votive candle holder

2 interior lights for our bedroom closets (found at the stand)

All in all, it was a pretty good day and when we got home I chilled out with my kitties for the remainder of the day - my kind of Saturday!



1 comment:

  1. I love flea markets and the thrill of discovering treasures. The mermaid candle holder is precious, how perfect for you!!!
