Thursday, October 13, 2011

A Versatile Blogger Award

I would like to convey a humble, "Thank you" to Leanne at one of my absolute favorite blogs, "Cottage Tails" for nominating me a "Versatile Blogger Award."

Now, it is my turn to pass this award onto 15 more blogs which I feel are deserving and share 7 things about myself on this post.

Seven things about me ...
1. I am married with no children ~ only my fur babies whom I adore
2. I enjoy spending time with my friends and family
3. I dislike intolerance and feel very strongly about the Wiccan Rede, "... and it harm none, do what you will."
4. I enjoy crocheting and latch hook
5. I love teaching Wicca and Witchcraft
6. I love decorating ... anything!
7. I love to sing and write poetry

15 Bloggers I have chosen to pass award onto ... (I must admit that I currently only know of 10 ~ as I do not seem to actually have very much "me" time these days ...  :D
1.    Wiccan Writes
2.    That Witch Is True
3.    ArtSings1946
4.    Hecate's Corner
5.    Ponderosa Pagan
6.    One Wiccan's Thoughts on It All
7.    Wiccan Moon Magick
8.    My Musings
9.    Becoming Six (formally, "The Buddhist Mama")
10.  The Buddhist Life

Brightest Blessings to everyone!!!

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