Thursday, October 13, 2011

Murder Mystery Dinner

Has anyone ever been involved in a Murder Mystery Dinner before? They are really cool! My mother-in-law wants to get all of us tickets this year for a Halloween Murder Mystery Dinner at a place called "Overlook Mansion Bed & Breakfast: Mystery at the Mansion." A few years ago, she bought a group of us tickets for my hubby's 35th birthday at this same venue.
Since you usually have to have a fairly large group (about 6-8 people or so) in order to play out the mystery part of the evening, our group consisted of my husband, myself, my in-laws, my (then sister-in-law) Robin and my brother-in-law, and a couple of our friends. We were sent our profiles in the mail for all of the characters and asked to pick one ~ not telling the others about our own "personal" profile and no one knew before-hand who the murder or murders were. Of course, to get into the spirit of things, we all dressed our parts! I chose the part of the deceased millionaire, Arthur Clifford's, Private Nurse Freda Moore. The owner of the Overlook Mansion played the Detective and his wife was Arthur's Maid. Robin, by the way, played the Maid's Assistant, Miss Foster and my hubby was designated to be Arthur's son.

Brett & I clowning around

The evening started out with all of us gathering at "Arthur's Mansion" after his death to meet with the Detective who would walk us all through the events leading up to the murder. Halfway through the story, we all attended a special dinner in the Mansion Dining Room, complete with birthday cake, while continuing to act out our roles. After dinner, we followed the Detective through the house while he showed us his evidence.

Posing in a pic afterwards with the owner's of the Mansion

In the end, we found out that Arthur's Nurse (me) had conspired with his best friend (which was funny because this character was played by my husband's actual best friend and the Best Man at our wedding) to kill Arthur. Turned out that his Nurse injected him with a non-traceable poison at the behest of his best friend, who was also her lover, so that they could split his inheritance after trying to pin the murder on his son (my hubby). The Detective then proceeded to handcuff us both afterwards. LOL!

"The Gang"

It was so much fun and the owners of the Bed & Breakfast were really great! I would definately recommend trying this sort of thing if you ever get the chance!


  1. LOL! What a great time! And here I thought you were a sweet innocent witch!!!!

  2. We held one for one birthday - lots of fun - but would be even better at a venue all set up for it.

    Recently I received a Versatile Blogger Award.
    It gave me a smile to think there was someone out there who thought my blog was worthy of a second look at!
    One of the conditions of this award is to pass it on to others....
    I have chosen your blog, as I enjoy reading it, and thought it would be nice to acknowledge the things you do in blogging land. If you are not into awards please ignore this, otherwise, to see my post , here is the link -

    I hope you will accept this award in the spirit with which it is passed on to you - with friendship and best wishes.

    Love Leanne
