Sunday, October 16, 2011

Shocktoberfest 2011

Last night, my hubby, two very dear friends, and I finally went to experience Shocktoberfest 2011. As ususal, it was awesome and we had a great time! First, we went on the "Biohazard Hayride" which is really cool because they take you through a horror-filled trail in the woods with three creepy stops in different buildings in the middle of nowhere. They use computer run mechanics along with live people jumping out of the bushes to scare the living daylights out of you! One guy with a chainsaw even jumped into our wagon with us ~ choosing the victims he was going to go after. At one point, I felt someone playing with my hair and touching my back. I immediately assumed it was my hubby as he is notorius for doing things like that to me just to make me scream. So I tapped him on his arm and said, "Knock it off, will ya!" To which he just laughed and replied, "That wasn't me!" (and it wasn't) HA! I love it!

Of course there are also actors in costume walking around throughout the park ...

In between rides, we grabbed a bite to beat then continued to go through their new feature, "The Unknown."

Dustin, his mom Etta and Brett

"The Unknown" was much like a huge house with dark-filled halls, ghouls grabbing your legs in the dark as you try to find your way from one room to the next, (and believe me, there were A LOT of dark rooms which in itself always scares the crap out of me as it is), and things popping out at you left and right.  The Unknown indeed!

Dustin posing with a Swamp Thing-like monster

A few years back before this venue was used for Shocktoberfest, our group, Old Path Enlightener's Network held our Beltane Festival here. During our ritual ceremony, the High Priestess (along with a few other attendees) claimed that they felt something or someone touching them. Something had actually pinched the HPS's butt while she was conducting the ceremony! These next two pics were taken close to where we performed our Beltane ritual that year. Strange orbs perhaps???

I  also love the fact that this Scream Park is so close to home for us. Every year we have such a blast!

Happy Haunting! LOL!


  1. Did you see a giant alien monster animatronic in The Unknown? I was told it was there but didn't see it.

  2. Anonymous ~ No, I actually do not remember seeing a giant alien monster animatronic there, although we did see a small one! :D

