Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Short Book Review & A New Blog

For those of you who, like myself, enjoy both cats and astrology, this cute little book is a lot of fun! I actually picked it up a few monhs back, but had not gotten a chance to read it until as of late. It is called none other than, "Cat Astrology: The Complete Guide to Feline Horoscopes" and it is written by Michael  Zullo. I had a blast reading all about my own cats zodiac signs and their attributes. It makes a great coffee table book and that is exactly where I have it sitting.

Also, for those of you who have not yet heard, I have recently started another blog called, "Witch Cats Blog" and I am co-writing it along with a long time friend of mine and fellow cat fanatic, Page. It is meant to be a heart-felt dedication to cats everywhere and their loving, caring families. I have added the link here for anyone who may wish to check it out!

Oh, yes and one more thing! I am planning a 100th Blog Follower & Blog-aversary Give-Away here at The Wiccan Life. For all my fellow blog followers who think they might be interested, please stay tuned for more details in my next post!

Brightest Blessings to everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I wish i still had cats. I have 4 dogs right now. One of these days, when I have room, I'll have another cat. I'll visit the new blog so i can dream of kitties.

    Can't wait to learn more on your 100 follower give-away!!

    Blessings, V.
