Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Wiccan Life 100th Follower & Blog-O-Versary Give-Away!

Wow, I can't believe it has been a year since I started this blog! When I began writing, "The Wiccan Life," I originally wanted to create a blog for both novices and experienced Wiccans/Witches alike. I've been told before by a few people that there are not very many Wiccan blogs out there in Blogland for Solitary Wiccans. I tend to agree! Now, here we are a year later and I have somehow managed to reach 100 wonderful followers like you!

I would like to show my appreication for your kindness in giving my blog a second look so I am having a "100th Follower & Blog-o-versary Give-Away" here at The Wiccan Life. I will be giving away three free prizes to those who are interested in participating.

First prize is a fantastic book called, "The Wicca Handbook" by Eileen Holland (an Eclectic Solitary Wiccan Priestess) and six colored mini-candles to go along with it.

Second prize is a set of homemade hanging Yule Wreaths ...

and the third prize will be a decorative silver and black Pentacle Candle ...

All you have to do to participate is leave a comment on this post letting me know that you would like to be included in the drawing. The drawing will be on Saturday, November 5th (the Saturday after Samhain).

Again, "Thank You" all for being a part of my blog and my life ~

Blessed Be to all and Good Luck!!


  1. Congrats on the one year and 100th follower. Your blog is wonderful. I would love a chance to win any of these awesome prizes.

    Blessings, V.

  2. Vivienne ~ Thank you, you are very kind! And you shall get that chance!


  3. I was a follower of Wicca from the age of about 16 through to 29 years when I decided to give (goddess forbid) the Catholic church a run. All my abilities turned for the worse. Now, back in Wicca and finding your blog so beautiful and useful. I would love a chance to win any of these prizes as I don't have very much yet except getting my herb and stone collection up to snuff again. In the process of crafting a new wand and still doing research on how to forge my own Athame. Blessed be and good luck with all you do.

  4. I would very much like to be part of the drawing. :)

  5. You've done a great job with this sblog - congratulations on hundred followers! And yes, I want in, too! ^^

  6. Jason ~ Welcome back and I am very happy to have you join us!!!

    Diandra ~ Thanks so much! I really love your blog too and i don't think it will be very long until you get 100 followers also! :D

    To all who have commented so far, you have been indeed added to the drawing list! Thanks!!!

  7. Congrats! What a fantastic accomplishment. I also want to say that I love your wreaths. I would have never thought to do them as pentacles.

  8. Your blog has been a delight for me as I explore Wicca.

    I'd love to participate in the drawing, but I have to remain anonymous. My Christian friends, unfortunately, would not understand.


  9. V ~ I am so very glad that you enjoy my blog! You are more than welcome to participate in the drawing; however, you must become a follower as this Give-Away is actually my way of saying, "Thank you" to everyone who has joined me (so, you see it wouldn't exactly be fair to allow just anyone from the net who comes across my blog to participate without being a member?)

    Brightest Blessings to you, my friend and welcome!


  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Dear Kim,
    I was really happy to have found your blog. It's such an inspiration to see how other Wiccans live and it is so nice to be able to experience someone's life in a personal way when you cannot yet outside the virtual world. How open you are about your path and who you are is something I look up to and hope to also feel comfortable with some day.

    Best wishes,

    PS: And of course I wouldn't mind to be included in the drawing if there still is a spot :-)

  12. Tangerine,

    Merry Meet! It is so great to meet you! I am glad that you enjoy my Wiccan blog and I hope I can be of any help to you should you need me. And I will most certainly include you in my Blog Drawing!

    Many thanks and Blessed Be!!


  13. Hi Kim, wow am I behind the times! Congrats on 100 followers!! Your Wiccan blog has given me much pleasure and warmth. I have so enjoyed getting to know you and love you!!! I am signing up at the very last minute for your beautiful drawing. Hugs to you, dear sister! Robin.

  14. Very glad to have found your blog! I'm still learning about Wicca myself, having to fight down the unfounded fears created by my strict Christian upbringing. I have always felt an affinity for Wicca, and have finally bought my first pentacle, which I have worn since its arrival on October 31. Thank you for your patience as I feel my way around.

    Blessed be!

    Jo Frey

  15. Robin ~ LOL! No problem at all, my sweet sister! I love your blog as well and you!! Your already added to teh drawing!

    Lanswyfte ~ Merry Meet and it is good to have you with us!


